December 31, 2007

His little majesty

Well, I finally have time to blog something. So much happened around me since the last post, but definitely the most great thing is that I made CT call for Sweet-Made. I adore her work, you can check it in her store at Digiscrap Boutique, at her web and also at her blog.

So, here is the very first LO created with her beautiful Royal Garden, you can get it at Digiscrap Boutique.

kit - Royal Garden by Sweet-Made
frame was recolored
font - Scriptina

December 23, 2007

Heaven must be missing an angel

Amy, thank you very much, you know for what and also that you didn´t have to. Thanks a lot.

Winter Wish Elements by Amy Sumrall´s
gems were recolored
angel - Amy Sumrall´s freebie
font - Curlz MT

December 22, 2007

Everyone loves skiing on Xmas

From today I´ve started to create for Nicecrane Designs. For this LO I used his Christmas folded trees in awesome green colour and satin ribbon. And you already know that I love green :-)
So, you definitely should have a look on his blog and have fun as I always have there. You can also find there direct links to his excellent goddies and some freebies as well.

Christmas folded trees - Nicecrane Designs
satin ribbon - Nicecrane Designs
font - Zebra
snowflakes - Ainohanako
photos - from my brother´s gallery

And here are some previews of Nicecrane Designs´ goodies. What do you say? Great, hmm? So hurry up to his blog to find out, where you can get them.

December 21, 2007

This LO was created for the brag book challenge at Color Line Designs.
On the photos are my real friends - my brother and his girlfriend, they love each other and love skiing.
I used Winter Moon kit by BooLandDesigns, you can get it here:

Winter Moon kit by BooLandDesigns
bragbook template - Kellie Puddy
fonts - again Joyful Juliana

December 18, 2007

Which LO do you like the most?

A: Grunge try
So, which LO do you like the most?
I saw this awesome grunge paper created by Sweetmade and start to play. After playing with beautiful papers by Amy Sumrall from A winter Wish Paper Pack, I couldn´t decide which one should appear on my blog. Well, here they come - all of them, I´ve done tonight, or today in early morning, because it´s Tuesday, 3:00 am, lol. I wonder, who´s gonna kick me out of the bed in the real morning, cause my boyfriend is in Bratislava for a little business trip, lol. So, please, give me a shout by voting (SORRY, THE VOTING IS OVER, you can see the results at the bottom of the main page) and then, well I don´t know yet, hehee ... winky wink :)

B: Sometimes you can see only three colours 1
Credits for all four LO´s:
grunge paper - Freebie-cu-Grunge Doodle 1 by Sweetmade
colours and other elements -
A Winter Wish Paper Pack by Amy Sumrall
font - Joyful Juliana (Ooh yes, I´m in love with this font)

C: Sometimes you can see only three colours 2

D: Sometimes you can see only three colours 3

December 17, 2007

Winter Joy

kit - Winter Moon by BooLandDesigns
font - Joyful Juliana
brush - Snowflakes by Ainohanako

Veselé Vianoce a šťastný Nový rok or Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I have nothing to say or write down right now, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, lol.
paper - from kit Winter Moon by Boo Silva (BooLand Designs)
frames - frame element from template #4 by Winter Jill&Jack scraps
font - Joyful Juliana
Santa with a Teddy - element from Paind'épice by Petitmoineaux
Santa in Sleigh - Wilhelm Schweizer Collection
paper tear - template Star by Sketch
brush - Snowflakes by Ainohanako

December 14, 2007

Here we come.... BooLand´s Blossoms

It´s happened! From 11th December it´s official. I´m a BooLand Blossom, actually one of them. The very first introducing you find at BooLandDesigns blog. I love the Boo´s blog. You can find there many freebies and so much fun. By the way, don´t miss Boo´s Blossoms Mega Kit. It´s the MEGA FREEBIE, but hurry up, only til Xmas. After that, it goes to her stores at Color Line Design, at Do It Digi or Stone Accents Studio. Don´t know which one, probably to all of them, lol.

Here are the previews of the Boo´s Blossoms Mega Kit. Isn´t it fantastic? Look at those flowers and butterflies in very trendy colour, and that chocolate alpha. It´s a must have, lol. So hurry up, unti it´s gone! And happy scrapping!!!

December 13, 2007

Paris - Place of Wonders

In this LO I used a paper from A Winter Wish paper pack by Amy Sumrall and the pictures I took on my trip to Paris, this year in September. The Sculpture de César "Le Pouce" is made of bronze and is incredibly 12 metres high. It was made in Atelier R. Bocquel S.A. in 1993 and is situated in Paris, La Défense.

paper - A Winter Wish paper pack by Amy Sumrall
stars - Cute Stars by Helly Creations
font - Joyful Juliana

A bit of history

This LO I created for a challenge at Color Line Design .
A bit of history: "The Eiffel Tower was built for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution. The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of England, opened the tower. Of the 700 proposals submitted in a design competition, Gustave Eiffel's was unanimously chosen. However it was not accepted by all at first, and a petition of 300 names - including those of Maupassant, Emile Zola - protested its construction."
kit Winter Moon by BooLandDesigns
journaling -
template - Kellie Puddy - Color Line Design. Copyright 2007
font - Angelina

December 12, 2007

Winter Moon

Na tento nádherný pohľad som opäť použila úžasný papier z kitu Winter Moon od Boo Silva, ktorý môžete dostať v obchodíku Color Line Design store.

For this beautiful LO I used an awesome paper from Winter Moon kit created by Boo Silva.
You can get it at Color Line Design store.

paper - from kit Winter Moon by BooLandDesings
frames - elements from template #4 by Winter Jill&Jack scraps
font - Avant que...
photo of moon -
photo of winter -

December 9, 2007

My little brother

Inšpiráciu na toto LO som našla v template od Val - Sketch Soleil. Použila som nápad a aj niektoré jej elementy.

In this LO I was inspired by a template Sketch Soleil created by Val.
I used the idea and some of the elements.

idea of stiches - Sketch Soleil by Val
stiches - of mine
kit - Winter Moon by BooLandDesigns
template - Sketch Soleil by Val
font - Angelina

December 2, 2007

I said: no water!

Toto LO je do novej trend výzvy na JFTSOI, ktorú vedie Amy. Pre tento mesiac je výzvou spájanie. Takže mrknite sem! Za každú účasť je samozrejme odmena.

This LO is for a New Trend Challenge at JFTSOI, hosted by Amy.
Check it out here! There is also a bonus participation.

kit - Muffy and Bif Mini by Amy Sumrall
font - Cheri

December 1, 2007

Especially for someone

Na toto LO som našla inšpiráciu v template od Sylvie Laupitz/PC Scrapbooking. Obrázok bol vytvorený pre moju bývalú kolegyňu, ktorá sa presťahovala do Írska.

On this layout I was inspired by template of Sylvia Laupitz/PC Scrapbooking. LO was created especially for my former colleague, who moved to Ireland.

paper - Bohemian ART - Jungle fever
flowers - lenagold
font - Ravie
filmstripe - Sunny Times by Scrapladies
little stars - Sylvia Laupitz/PC Scrapbooking

I sometimes use a quickpage

Niekedy, keď mám k dispozícii fotku a vhodnú quickpage, tak ju jednoducho použijem. Teraz som použila QP od Amy Sumrall vytvorený z jej kitu Stuff Boy's Are Made Of. Tie zvieratká sú podľa mňa úžasné.

Sometimes, when I have a great picture and well fitting quickpage, I simply use it.
For this time I used QP created by Amy Sumrall from her boyish kit Stuff Boy's Are Made Of. I think that those little beasties are great.

Credits: QP by Amy Sumrall from kit Stuff Boy's Are Made Of

Chocolate and holiday mood

Videla som túto čokoládu a hneď vedela, ktoré fotky použijem. A tak som skĺbila dve obľúbené veci - čokoládu a dovolenku. Na fotkách je môj brat s priateľkou v Chorvátsku, kde sme boli spolu tento rok na dovolenke.

I´ve seen this chocolate kit and I knew, what pictures I´m gonna use. So I fit together two favourite things of mine - chocolate and holiday. On the pictures are my younger brother and his girlfriend. We spent this year holiday together in Croatia.

template - Sylvia Laupitz/PC Scrapbooking
paper and colours - Chocolate Heaven Kit by Antoinette van Kleeff (dutchsparky)
font - Zebra

November 28, 2007

Some Christmas mood

Pridávam trošku vianočnej nálady.
I´m adding some Christmas mood.

kit - Amy Sumrall´s Fun & Funky Christmas
overlay - Tabby Lewis - Full Page Snowflake Overlay
hats - Mega Xmas Kit by Bridget
font - Snap ITC

November 27, 2007

WILD SALE on Amy Sumrall´s kits at JFTSOI!

Fun & Funky Christmas
Amy Sumrall says about this kit: "This fun and funky Christmas kit is just what you need to get the holiday party started! Fab, Fun, Silly and Cute all rolled into one MEGA kit! If you are looking for something a bit different, you've found it here. Perfect for "Christmas in Florida" type pages, party pages, kid's pages, and to use to make your own Christmas cards and gifts! Step out of the traditional red and green box and put some funk in your holiday season."

Stuff Boy's Are Made Of - Fun and boyish kit.

Poppin' Paisley and Such
Amy Sumrall says about this kit: "This warm kit is a bit more elegant than what you would usually design, but sometimes you just need something a bit more refined in your stash, don't you think? ;)"

Over the (Grungy) Rainbow
With this quirky kit you´ll have plenty of scrappy fun!

Muffy and Bif Mini

November 22, 2007

Moje prvé pracovné dielko

A je tu prvé pracovné dielko, ktoré som samozrejme robila s veľkou radosťou, pretože nový kit Muffy and Bif Mini od Amy Sumrall je plný úžasných a zároveň mojich obľúbených farieb. Môžete ho dostať tu.
kit - Muffy and Bif Mini by Amy Sumrall
font - Kill Switch from

November 21, 2007

CT announcement

Chcela by som sa s Vami podeliť o moju radosť, keď som dnes bola prijatá do kreatívneho tímu Amy Sumrall. Ide o novú dizajnérku pre Just for the scrap of it a jej store nájdete tu.

November 17, 2007

A opäť ďalšia výzva...

Ďalšie LO do
Maria's Weekly Challenge na tému SHAPE, konkrétne na použitie kruhov. Aspoň, že nie je zelené :P.

paper - Emma, part 5 by Amy W. Designs
elements - Glossy orbs by NEP, Oceans elements by NEP
font - Kristen ITC

November 16, 2007

Inšpirácia zo ZOO...

A zase mám zelené LO :-) Čo už. Je do Weekly Scraplift Challenge with Tanya. Inšpirovalo ma LO Wildlife by mel_m78. Jeho galéria bola zvolená pre tento týždeň.

Garden kit by Adeyeo
Font (wildlife) - Walk the Plank by Teabeer Studios
Font (date) - Zebra by Piet

November 11, 2007

Výzva na tému priateľstvo...

A ďalší obrázok do Maria's Weekly Challenge na tému Friendship.

Albert Camus´ quotation
kit - Life by Vera Lim Design
font - Santos Dumont by Billy Argel
font - Small Fonts
filmstripe - Sunny Times by Scrapladies
stars - Starbursts by Rhonna Farrer

Ešte z letnej dovolenky...

Práve som si uvedomila, že nejak väčšina mojich obrázkov je ladená do zelena - asi mám nádej :-) Aj blog je do zelena, asi milujem zelenú.

kit - Little Sailer by Netmaus' Scraps
seashells & water - Beach Comber by Simply Sarah Designs
alpha - Jeans alpha by Jerline's Digigrapics
font - Kristen ITC, Freestyle script

November 9, 2007

Po náročnom dni...

Dnes je môj obrázok trochu pochmúrny. Alebo sa mi to len zdá? V každom prípade mám za sebou ťažký a náročný deň, i keď som bola v práci len do pol tretej. Potom šup do knižnice, prechádzka cez mesto a nejaké vybavovačky okolo bytu. Doma som pozrela ďalšie časti seriálu Prison Break a upratala si nové freebies. Potom som sa rozlúčila s priateľom, odišiel do Prahy. A keďže noc ešte bola mladá, pustila som sa aj tvoriť. A výsledok:
paper - wissarah - nameless
overlay - flower corner by bridget
fonts - freestyle script
alpha - different alpha by bridget
tag - eva kipler, carolina haren - bonus tag mini stringed
frame - potrójna ramka by bridget
pin - elements by bridget

November 4, 2007

Netradičné, iné...

A toto je príspevok do Friday Freebie Challenge

Kit - Strawberryfields by Danielle Engebretson
Buttons - Bleu Gris by Akiloune
Font - Gigi

Niekedy aj Quick page poteší!

Toto je taká rýchlovka do Maria's Weekly Challenge

Quick Page - Aneta Branch - Mini album freebie Autumn
Cardboard alphas by Sunflowers
Clovers - Winni Designs

November 3, 2007

Bezsenná noc

Tento scrapík som dokončila opäť
v noci, namiesto toho, aby som šla spať a ráno bola fit do školy :-). Tieto dni mám zatiaľ samé iné priority, než školu. A to sa ani nenazdám,
a odovzdanie diplomovky bude klopať na dvere. Ale dovtedy iste ešte nejaké scrapíky stihnem. Takže opäť moja obľúbená fotka z čarovného miesta v Paríži.
paper - ScrapArtist - JLL Fiesta
door - done by myself
torn - done by myself
butterflies - Megakit -
frame - Kjersti´s lime
alpha - cardboard alpha by sunflowers
font - Winer Hand ITC

October 28, 2007

Jeden z lásky...

Tento scrapík bol opäť dokončený v noci, takže ledva ho vládzem pridať, nie to aby som ešte písala k nemu nejaký pokec :-).

frame - Kjersti´s lime
element - Winni Designs
brush - Elegance V1 1lovesdevine on DeviantArt
font - Edwardian script ITC

October 23, 2007

To je Samko môjho kamaráta Maťa, ktorý má jeden cool barík v meste
v Košiciach. Radi tam s priateľom chodíme na terasu grilovať, teda len vtedy, keď robia pre mňa kuracie mäso. Inak tam chodím popíjať iba kofolu, xixi.

Paper - Kjersti´s Lime
Frames - C. Shibley of Colleen´s Creations - FunFrames

Brushes - Halloween border by Seiyastock DeviantArt
Pumpkin brushes by Mirrorimagestock DeviantArt

Font - Ravie

October 20, 2007

Z Paríža...

Môj nový scrapík
z úžasného Paríža.

paper - Chilli and Chocolate by Catharina Oelting
brush - Catbrush by cybi25
flower - Megakit BC
tear - Traci Sims - Paper tear template

October 12, 2007

Filmstripe - Sunny Times by Scrapladies
Font - Bradley Hand ITC

V auguste prišla
z Anglicka na pár týždňov naša (moja
a hawrina) spolužiačka Katka, tak sa niektoré mamky aj nemamky stretli. Vľavo je Katkin Dávidko,
v strede hawrina Anetka a
vpravo Peťko, synček našej spolužiačky Blanky.
Niekedy by som sa aj ja chcela vrátiť späť
a mať takýto bezstarostný lajfík :-).

October 9, 2007

Dnes som sa odvážila pridať jeden zo svojich prvých pokusov o digiscrap. Na zverejnenie úplne začiatočných nemám ani odvahu :-), pretože si myslím, že sú hrozné.... Digiscrap som objavila na internete a začala ho tajne obdivovať. Až umelecké dielka od spolužiačky hawry zo strednej školy ma prinútili skutočne to vyskúšať. Moja sesternica Nikola má dcérku Tamaru. A keďže nemám vlastné deti (kvôli digiscrapom by som ich aj chcela :P), skúsila som to s Tamarkou. A tu je výsledok:

Stopy som použila z pieskového kitu, ktorý urobila hawra. Nie je úžasný?
Stiahnuť si ho môžete tu a prosím, nechajte jej komentár, isto sa poteší.

October 6, 2007

Tak na dnes mám toho štúdia ako publikovať akurát dosť, idem si radšej pozrieť v telke niečo užitočné, alebo aj nie :-)

October 5, 2007

Ahojte, dnes som sa konečne odhodlala zriadiť si vlastný blog. A len čumím, čo to všetko obnáša. Snáď budem aj niečo publikovať. Že vraj maturita formalita. Tak formálne maturujem :P.

October 4, 2007

Lara´s Digi World Terms of Use (TOU)

All files contained within this zip file are © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Lara´s Digi World

This TOU supersedes any other which you may have in your possession.

Revised:  August 4th, 2012

"Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000."

Terms and Conditions

All copyrights to anything within this zip file are retained by the original creator of the file - Lara´s Digi World. All graphic images are copyrighted by Lara´s Digi World with all rights reserved.


You may use my graphics in your layouts and you may send layouts to magazines as long as credit is given to me.

You MAY NOT add to or alter the graphics in any way and claim them as your own.

You MAY NOT convert my designs/graphics into tubes, templates, brushes etc and redistribute them in any way.

You MAY NOT offer them in a collection, trade, share, loan, rent, resell, distribute, or post across a bulletin board, network, modem, Internet or web page.

You MAY NOT use these graphics for any obscene, defamatory, or immoral works ... or any other purpose which is prohibited by law.

You MAY feel free to alter these images to fit your scrapbooking needs as long as credit is given to me. If you use these graphics in a layout submitted to an online gallery, magazine, or any other publication - You MUST give credit to Lara´s Digi World and the store from which it was purchased.
Remember, any modified and/or altered files are also protected by copyright law and may not be shared, traded or redistributed and/or used for commercial gain with the written permission of the designer - Lara´s Digi World.


You may use my graphics in scrapbooks for others when you are hired by persons to make a scrapbook for them and it can be done either digitally, on CD, printed or hard cover.

You MAY create Quick Pages and Digital Photo Albums for your clients, but the final product *you* provide to your client must be in flattened format, either printed or in an electronic single-layer flattened file (saved as either .png or.jpg formats, no psd files, no individual papers or elements), with no transparency or options for reusing by your client in a commercial or professional manner. Your client is not granted to redistribute any of the files themselves in any commercial or professional use way.

You MAY NOT use my designs/graphics to create or design websites, blog-headers, etc.

You MAY make paper greeting cards, candy wrappers, posters, altered books/paint cans, stationery, labels, and many other crafts for sale with the PRINTED form of these graphics. You MAY NOT create these items and sell them digitally. These graphics are designed at 300 ppi so they are print quality.


You MAY use these items AS THEY ARE or you can change them to your needs to create items to sell (kits, packs, etc).

You MAY also use these items to create FREEBIES, but they must be altered somehow, not just recoloured and must be included in a kit and NOT a stand alone item. You MAY use only 20% of this product in a freebie style kit.

All above applies with the following exceptions:

You may NOT use these graphics to create any sort of designer resource, tool or commercial use product or repackage and resell my original products.

You MAY NOT create brushes, rub-ons, clip-art, templates, overlays, tubes, shapes, doodles, actions, styles, etc from my original work.

You MAY NOT convert images to grey scale and sell as a template.

You MAY NOT claim these as your own creations, or alter them and claim them as your own.

You MAY NOT make kits or sets containing only items created using my items - a maximum of 30% is allowed (for freebies only 20% is allowed).

You MAY NOT use my designs/graphics to create or design websites, blog-headers, make site templates, etc.

You MAY NOT offer them in a cd/dvd, graphic collections, trade, share, loan, rent, resell, distribute, or post across a bulletin board, network, modem, yahoo groups, website links, Internet or web page.

You MAY NOT use these graphics for any obscene, defamatory, or immoral works... or any other purpose which is prohibited by law.

There´s NO CREDIT REQUIRED, but appreciated.

NOTE:  Purchasing a commercial licensed digital scrapbooking product entitles the purchaser use of these designs commercially. The purchaser may use the RESULTS of their design process that comes from using these products commercially, but are not allowed to resell the actual Lara´s Digi World products elsewhere.

Lara´s Digi World is not responsible to any person, organization or business for any loss and/or damages incurred from the use of the Lara´s Digi World products.

Thank you for your purchase.

If you have questions about this user license that are unanswered above please contact me at

Thank YOU for reading and following my TOU.

You may download my TOU here.