All files contained within this zip file are © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Lara´s Digi World
This TOU supersedes any other which you may have in your possession.
Revised: August 4th, 2012
"Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000."
Terms and Conditions
All copyrights to anything within this zip file are retained by the original creator of the file - Lara´s Digi World. All graphic images are copyrighted by Lara´s Digi World with all rights reserved.
You may use my graphics in your layouts and you may send layouts to magazines as long as credit is given to me.
You MAY NOT add to or alter the graphics in any way and claim them as your own.
You MAY NOT convert my designs/graphics into tubes, templates, brushes etc and redistribute them in any way.
You MAY NOT offer them in a collection, trade, share, loan, rent, resell, distribute, or post across a bulletin board, network, modem, Internet or web page.
You MAY NOT use these graphics for any obscene, defamatory, or immoral works ... or any other purpose which is prohibited by law.
You MAY feel free to alter these images to fit your scrapbooking needs as long as credit is given to me. If you use these graphics in a layout submitted to an online gallery, magazine, or any other publication - You MUST give credit to Lara´s Digi World and the store from which it was purchased.
Remember, any modified and/or altered files are also protected by copyright law and may not be shared, traded or redistributed and/or used for commercial gain with the written permission of the designer - Lara´s Digi World.
You may use my graphics in scrapbooks for others when you are hired by persons to make a scrapbook for them and it can be done either digitally, on CD, printed or hard cover.
You MAY create Quick Pages and Digital Photo Albums for your clients, but the final product *you* provide to your client must be in flattened format, either printed or in an electronic single-layer flattened file (saved as either .png or.jpg formats, no psd files, no individual papers or elements), with no transparency or options for reusing by your client in a commercial or professional manner. Your client is not granted to redistribute any of the files themselves in any commercial or professional use way.
You MAY NOT use my designs/graphics to create or design websites, blog-headers, etc.
You MAY make paper greeting cards, candy wrappers, posters, altered books/paint cans, stationery, labels, and many other crafts for sale with the PRINTED form of these graphics. You MAY NOT create these items and sell them digitally. These graphics are designed at 300 ppi so they are print quality.
You MAY use these items AS THEY ARE or you can change them to your needs to create items to sell (kits, packs, etc).
You MAY also use these items to create FREEBIES, but they must be altered somehow, not just recoloured and must be included in a kit and NOT a stand alone item. You MAY use only 20% of this product in a freebie style kit.
All above applies with the following exceptions:
You may NOT use these graphics to create any sort of designer resource, tool or commercial use product or repackage and resell my original products.
You MAY NOT create brushes, rub-ons, clip-art, templates, overlays, tubes, shapes, doodles, actions, styles, etc from my original work.
You MAY NOT convert images to grey scale and sell as a template.
You MAY NOT claim these as your own creations, or alter them and claim them as your own.
You MAY NOT make kits or sets containing only items created using my items - a maximum of 30% is allowed (for freebies only 20% is allowed).
You MAY NOT use my designs/graphics to create or design websites, blog-headers, make site templates, etc.
You MAY NOT offer them in a cd/dvd, graphic collections, trade, share, loan, rent, resell, distribute, or post across a bulletin board, network, modem, yahoo groups, website links, Internet or web page.
You MAY NOT use these graphics for any obscene, defamatory, or immoral works... or any other purpose which is prohibited by law.
There´s NO CREDIT REQUIRED, but appreciated.
NOTE: Purchasing a commercial licensed digital scrapbooking product entitles the purchaser use of these designs commercially. The purchaser may use the RESULTS of their design process that comes from using these products commercially, but are not allowed to resell the actual Lara´s Digi World products elsewhere.
Lara´s Digi World is not responsible to any person, organization or business for any loss and/or damages incurred from the use of the Lara´s Digi World products.
Thank you for your purchase.
If you have questions about this user license that are unanswered above please contact me at
Thank YOU for reading and following my TOU.
You may download my TOU here.